STREAM tools will enable the realization of the STREAM ecosystem. They will be adapted, deployed, calibrated, and demonstrated in the 4 STREAM pilots that serve as a basis for benchmarking of STREAM ideas. They cover geographical, economic, size and type diversity of the consumers.


sPLAN – based on the developments of the past projects, previously named Value Analysis Tool (H2020 COMPILE, X-FLEX) and turn it into a robust decision support tool for the DSOs, policy makers and the NRAs. Similar to sGRID, sPLAN will focus on enhancing the decision-making processes of DSOs through improved LV grid operation planning activities, analytics and the ability to – in connection with sGRID – provide a range of services through the utilization of flexibility. It will support evidence-based, technology-neutral decision-making in grid planning, comparing the value of the conventional solutions like grid upgrade with the value of their alternatives like flexibility-based energy services.