The STREAM pilot sites were chosen carefully to present the diversity in geographical, economic, size and type of the consumers. All the pilots focus on a specific part of STREAM Ecosystem but complement each other to form a comprehensive testing ground of all the elements of STREAM Ecosystem.
Crevillent is a Spanish municipality of 30,000 inhabitants located in the south of the province of Alicante in the Valencia Region. Enercoop Group (ENER) is an energy community governed by an electric cooperative organization located there and owned by 11,000 members. The cooperative has presence in practically the entire value chain of the electricity sector:
• Production of 100% renewable energy,
• Distribution to the municipality of Crevillent (Alicante – Spain),
• Electricity supplier within and outside the municipality,
• Representative agent in the electricity market for renewable production facilities and
• Group of energy purchases for other electricity supplier companies.
The grid of the municipality is managed by Distribución Eléctrica Crevillent, SLU, owned by Enercoop Group, which manages 14,315 consumers (13,047 households and 1,268 companies) in low voltage network and 30 consumers in medium voltage network (mainly industrial and service sector companies). All households in Crevillent are equipped with “smart meters”, facilitating data collection of electricity consumption. The local energy grid is fed through a 40 MVA substation. Energy is distributed through more than 150 transformers 20/0.4 kV.
The electric grid of Crevillent has more than 75,000 PV panels in solar plants and 2,000 modules of PV panels in solar roofs. The PV plants connected to the Cooperative Distribution Network produce a total power of 13.4 MW. The entire ENER energy production has zero emissions; the entity is working hard to get all the generated and distributed energy 100% clean (saving 10,000 tons of CO2 per year). The current renewable coverage of the entire municipality of Crevillent is approximately 25%. Furthermore, a first energy community in Spain owning a PV installation (100 kW) and a lithium-ion energy storage system (240 kWh) for collective self-consumption, which is shared between 65 supply points (200 citizens) is also part of the pilot.
STREAM project kick-off
Definitions of pilot site services and research questions
Start of the development of sGRID
Workshop with energy stakeholders and start of the development of sENC
Final definition of the Spanish pilot site UCs, requirements and KPIs
Final definition of the Spanish pilot site UCs, requirements and KPIs
Start of development of sFLEX and sMART
Integration of Energy Community assets in sENC and sFLEX completed. Modelling of the first version of LV grid in sGRID tested
Start of the development of the market integration modules of sGRID, sENC and sFLEX by testing the communication with sMART
First definition of the demonstration activities that will be performed in the pilot site documented