The 1st STREAM review meeting took place from May 29th to 31st in Crevillent, Spain, hosted by ENERCOOP at their headquarters.
The first day was dedicated to rehearsing presentations and finalizing details to ensure the consortium was fully prepared for the official meeting the following day. This preparation included dry runs of key presentations and addressing any last-minute issues.
On the second day, the consortium was joined by the project officer from European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Throughout the day, partners presented the key activities and achievements of STREAM from the first reporting period.
On Friday, ENERCOOP organized a tour of two nearby solar fields—one equipped with a tracking system that allows the panels to follow the sun’s path, thereby increasing overall efficiency—and a small local energy community. This tour provided valuable insights into practical implementations of the technologies being developed and discussed within the STREAM project.
The meeting was very successful, with the project officer expressing satisfaction with the progress made so far and having no major comments on the submitted deliverables.